
A user is requesting the ability to see the status of another user’s phone/extension and answer when someone calls their extension.

Intended Audience

Reseller, Client

Step-by-Step Guide

This user feature can be configured by either a Reseller or Client account, users can configure the device buttons, but only for a limited number of functionality.

Be sure the owner of the destination extension is aware that the person requesting the Presence/Call Pickup to be able to monitor their extension and will be able to answer for them, and know their phone’s status at all time (usually they do).

  1. Log into ClusterPBX
  2. Click on the Users entry in the navigation menu

  3. Select the desired user account from the list
  4. Click on Edit User on the toolbar – you will see the User Update Form window
  5. Click the Device Buttons tab

  6. Click the Add Button in the toolbar – it will add a line to the table with an Empty Action
  7. Double-click the line where the new button is located to select it
  8. Pick the Presence / Call Pickup action from the Drop-down menu
  9. Enter the desired extension in the Value
  10. Click the Update button above the line editing is complete
  11. Click Apply at the bottom when all buttons are configured

The user should now see the status of the other extension on their phone beside one of the buttons – it will also indicate when the other phone rings – they can pick up the calls coming to the target extension.