
How-to configure the Phone provisioning to access the provisioning template attributed to the phone, user and extension on their ClusterPBX instance when there is no Option 66

Intended Audience

Reseller, Client

Step-by-Step Guide

A provisioning template must be configured for each user (extension) before they can be used, see the document How-to Create a User Account for detailed instructions on how to configure an extension, including the provisioning template.

If the template does not exist – a system administrator must create a template that is compatible with the phone being provisioned:

  1. Login to the phone’s web interface as AdminDefault Device Passwords and Keypad Factory Reset
  2. Go on to VoiceProvisioning

  3. In Configuration Server Path and Firmware Server Path enter the information as described below

    • Resync Periodics: 60 (must be changed)
    • Transport Protocol: HTTP
    • Profile Rule: Format
      [--uid UserName --pwd Password ]$MA.cfg
    • Report Rule: Format
      [--uid UserName --pwd Password ]$MA.cfg
  4. Click the Save and Apply button and Reboot to apply the new configuration