
You can set the music on hold feature to play specific groups of files for the whole telephony system, and each queue can have a specific music group assigned to them.

Intended Audience


Step-by-Step Guide

Upload the music file(s)

  1. Click the Music on Hold entry in the navigation menu
  2. click the Add Music on Hold button in the toolbar
  3. Browse to the .mp3 file that will be used
  4. Enter a name for the entry
  5. Select an existing group, or type a Group name to create a new group with the name you typed

    The Default group contains the audio file(s) that will be played when a caller is put on hold by all the users under the client account or waiting on any queue.

  6. Optionally adjust the volume
  7. Click Apply to add the file inside the group

Assign an audio group to a queue

  1. Click the Calling Queues item in the navigation menu
  2. Click either Add or Edit in the toolbar
  3. Select the group that contains the audio file(s) on the Pick a music on hold group drop down menu

  4. Click Apply to complete the operation