Generic provisioning template for Polycom devices on ClusterPBX (it may need some modification to fit your needs and may not be compatible with all devices).
Intended Audience
File pattern: %%mac%%-reg.cfg
This template is provided as a baseline – verify that it applies to your environment and that it suits your configuration needs before using it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <reginfo> <reg reg.1.lineKeys="2" reg.1.label="%%username%%" %%plcm_reg_line%% /> <msg> <msg.mwi %%plcm_mwi%% > </msg.mwi> </msg> <attendant attendant.reg="1" attendant.ringType="ringer1" attendant.uri=""> %%plcm_blf%% </attendant> <voip voIpProt.SIP.outboundProxy.address="%%sip_server_address%%" voIpProt.SIP.outboundProxy.port="%%sip_port%%" voIpProt.SIP.outboundProxy.transport="UDPOnly" ></voip> </reginfo>