Provisioning template for Panasonic’s TGP 600 cordless IP Phone.
Intended Audience
File pattern: %%mac%%.cfg
This template is provided as a baseline – verify that it applies to your environment and that it suits your configuration needs before using it.
# Panasonic SIP Phone Standard Format File # DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINE! # ## General settings HTTPD_PORTOPEN_AUTO="Y" # LDAP_DNSSRV_ENABLE="Y" # ## SIP Settings PHONE_NUMBER_1="%%username%%" # SIP_URI_1="%%username%%@%%realm%%" # LINE_ENABLE_1="Enabled" # PROFILE_ENABLE1="Enabled" SIP_AUTHID_1="%%username%%" SIP_SVCDOMAIN_1="%%realm%%" SIP_PASS_1="%%password%%" SIP_DNSSRV_ENA_1="Y" SIP_UDP_SRV_PREFIX_1="_sip._udp." SIP_RGSTR_ADDR_1="%%realm%%" SIP_RGSTR_PORT_1="%%sip_port%%" SIP_PRXY_ADDR_1="%%realm%%" SIP_PRXY_PORT_1="%%sip_port%%" SIP_PRSNC_ADDR_1="%%realm%%" SIP_PRSNC_PORT_1="%%sip_port%%" SIP_OUTPROXY_ADDR_1="%%realm%%" SIP_OUTPROXY_PORT_1="%%sip_port%%" # DO NOT REMOVE the empty line below, it is mandatory