POST /api/users, parameters:

first_name yes string first_name John
last_name yes string last_name Doe
subscriber yes string User extension 1001
email yes string email
department_id yes | can be default per install string department name … finance
realm_id yes | can be default per install integer Uniq ID of client’s domain 4
realm yes | can be default per install string Client’s domain
profile_id yes | can be default per install integer User profile ID 1
password will be generated if not provided string Web password
secret will be generated if not provided string Phone password
vm_pin will be generated if not provided string Voicemail pin
clid_name_external no string External CallerID name John Doe
clid_num_external no string External CallerID Number 5142842020
exclude_from_directory no “yes” or “no” Exclude user from directory yes
model no integer phone model ID 1
mac no string phone mac address 0004f218343c
prov_tmpl no integer provisioning template ID 1
attach no “yes” or “no” enable/disable vm to email yes
email_vm_to_email no string vm to email: email
custom_deletevoicemail no “yes” or “no” delete voicemail after vm to email notification no
pagerdest no string vm to email: email

for pager (use plain text)

Results example:

   "success": true,
   "message": "User John Doe successfully created",
   "id": 12455

Example (assuming we made defaultable variable default):