Error code Error type 404 Resource Not Found 404 Routing Error 400 Update Failed 400 Invalid Resource Parameters 400 Argument error 401 Invalid Token 401 Token Expired 401 Access Denied 500 Internal Server Error
Category: ClusterPBX API
Errors are formatted as follows: endpoint JSON – output
We use a token as authentication method. You can pass the token either as a params or in the HTTP header. Token params key Token HTTP header key voxality_token HTTP_VOXALITY_TOKEN
What API commands are used by ClusterPBX?
ClusterPBX APIs are plain JSON over HTTP and use the following HTTP verbs.
ClusterPBX API – Overview
Our API belong to the Representational State Transfer (REST) category. They allow you to perform ‘RESTful’ operations such as reading, modifying, adding or deleting data.